Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Wanted (Female criminals)
Timor Indri Kumorwati

 Name : Timor Indri Kumorowati
 Phone : 0877771881760 ; 082133623112 ; 085729386531(Active)

             *Address in Jogja
   Ngeparan Village 1 km to Congot Beach
   Border between Purwerejo and Jogja
             *Address in Bandara Soekarno Hatta
               Perum angkasa pura II blk D no 5

Confessing graduate from UGM and currently attending UNIV South Carolina. She's very talk active and quite convincing. Her face was naïve and innocent (see the picture) and claiming to have a sister, her name is Fendita Wulanda, then her parents in Purworejo.

Modes of operation:
1) offers purchase airline tickets cheap tickets well in domestic and overseas, domestic ticket Issued initially properly but after a lot of ticket purchase, she can not be Issued. (was all a lie, she just bought a ticket to public travel in ITC Kuningan and Sumber Turindo Travel, Jogja)
2) offer a cheap electronic goods and she said the goods from customs
    such as: Ipod, Ipad, Camera, TV, etc..
3) offering ticket sales tour to China and the Netherlands and many more (2011)

Additional info :
Timor Indri Kumorowati (Indri) does not work alone, or she does not deceive herself but with her friend named:
SEPTA PUSPA RATIH (CLARA) (see photo below on the right side)

Be careful with this bank account :

                  Account BCA   Timor Indri Kumorowati (acc :  5240 272 549)
                  Account Niaga  Timor Indri Kumorowati (acc  : 9790 100 144 110)
                  Account BNI    Timor Indri Kumorowati (acc  : 0206 726 560)
                  Account BCA   Septa Pupa Ratih            (acc  : 1800 479 777)

Her existence is currently estimated at Jakarta and surrounding areas Soekarno Hatta airport. This woman has been deceived not only me but probably to many people. I lost of 10 millions, more information will be kept update. Can corned has admitted her actions BUT NOW!!! “DISAPPEARED

Please help colleagues who knew of the existence of this woman to be arrested and not cause much harm to so many other. Be CAREFUL!!

Contact Person
James Jansen
Pusparati Clarista Septa and Timor Indri Kumorowati
0821 10 370009         
021 92937565
2111149a (BB)

6 komentar:

  1. wah ternyata masih ada juga korban yang berjatuhan, saya rofieq, FB: aroofie@yahoo.com juga pernah berurusan dg org ini dua tahun lalu. kerugian saya 45,5jt,. selain saya, ada juga korban lain seperti ahmad nuryahdi, arifin, gunawan, 3 orng pgawai BPR jogja, dan masih ada bbrp lg. pernah kita coba ke rumahnya tetapi tidak membuahkan hasil karena indri dinyatakan stress dan masuk RSJ. kalau mungkin ada info bisa sharing2 bos..
    rofieq 085729987000
    ahmad nuryahdi 085228228008
    mas agung 081392015549
    mas arifin 02746556804
    mas gun 085729899738

  2. saya dan pacar jg hampir ketipu,untung ngecek namanya di google eh muncul story kejahatannya!!kalo ga hmpir melayamg 25jt,katanya ni org mo ke usa bulan juli coba cek di airlines,yg jelas ni org ga sakit jiwa!! cuma hobi nipu trus dijadiin kerjaan sehari/alias mata pencaharian

  3. Mereka berdua tukang tipu?? Setau gw cuma Indrinya doang...

  4. Sdri. Timor Indri Kumorowati sekarang ada di tahanan Polresta Denpasar atas kasus penipuan. Sekiranya ada korban lain yang ingin keterangan atau melaporkan penipuan yg dilakukan Sdri. Indri silahkan menghubungi Penyidik Polresta Denpasar Bapak Saras 08123636395

  5. Masih ngincer org ini? Dia sdh gk dipenjara kok. Sdh nipu2 lagi dia. Kl msh ad yg cari saya ad nmr hpnya yg saat ini aktif dan rmhnya

  6. Saya tau orang ini tinggal dimana. Dia ada di Denpasar sekarang. Jika ada yang masih cari orang ini bisa email saya ke wayanwaysu@gmail.com, pasti saya bantu.
